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Post-Remediation Clearance Testing


Picture of mold
Picture of mold


The goal of mold remediation is NEVER to KILL mold, nor is it ever to TREAT mold, or COVER mold up with paint or other coatings. The goal of mold remediation is ALWAYS to REMOVE the mold.


Why is it so important to REMOVE the mold?  For two reasons:

#1. Mold that has been killed, treated, or covered up can always begin grow again if moisture reoccurs - even if the moisture is just high humidity.

#2. Mold that is dead or dormant (nonviable) still releases mold spores into the air. When inhaled, nonviable mold spores  can have the exact same effects on people and animals as mold that is viable (alive). If mold is still in your building, all of the health risks associated with mold are still there too. For that reason, in a post-remediation inspection, all viewable construction materials inside the containment area are closely examined to confirm that no visible mold growth is present.

Picture of mold

What Is Involved In A Post-Remediation Verification? 

Simply stated; post-remediation verification (also called clearance testing) involves the inspection and retesting of areas in a building that have undergone remediation work. The purpose is to ensure that the remediation was successful according to remedial standards.


Success is defined as follows:


  1. No visible mold growth on any of the construction materials.

  2. All construction materials are dry by current industry standards.

  3. The cause of the original problem has been resolved.

  4. Airborne mold spore levels are within acceptable standards.

  5. Cross-contamination of non-work areas has not occurred.


Note the following three images. The first picture shows a remediation job that failed a clearance test for three reasons.


1. There is still visible mold growth on the construction material in several areas, thus failing the visual inspection.


2. The mold still present on the construction materials is still releasing mold spores into the air, adding to the natural equilibrium of indoor/outdoor airborne mold spore levels, thus failing the air test.


3. The dark blue spot detected with the infrared camera is excessive moisture, thus failing another yet another critical aspect of a clearance test, construction materials are not thoroughly dried.


Without a proper post-remediation verification survey, it would have only been a matter of time before this project had an entirely new mold problem and required yet another expensive mold remediation job. This photo is a classic example of why its never a good idea to let contractors provide their own clearance test. The only way to be sure your mold remediation is successful is to hire an independent, third party inspector for final clearance.


Looking at this last image you might never imagine that the spotless framing material you see was previously covered with mold from the floor up to 3 and 5 feet high. This is a classic example of professional mold remediation work at its finest. 


For more information on post remediation verification services or to schedule an inspection, 

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